[:nl]Safikan Goelamhaider: Ineens hadden ze een man voor me …[:]

[:nl]Dit autobiografisch verhaal draait om een episode uit het leven van een 17-jarig Hindostaans meisje uit een moslim gezin dat in Suriname in het bauxietdorp Billiton wordt uitgehuwelijkt aan een Hindostaanse man uit Nederland. De man vertrekt na het huwelijk naar Nederland. Het meisje volgt kort daarop, maar wordt niet afgehaald op Schiphol; niet door…

[:nl]Nieuw boek Radjinder Bhagwanbali: De tot koelie gemaakten[:]

[:en]Contactpersoon: Sitla Bonoo, 06- Verkrijgbaar via alle boekhandels in Nederland en in Suriname bij NSHI (+597 531-361)[:nl]Stichting Sarnámihuis in Nederland, Nationale Stichting Hindostaanse Immigratie in Suriname en Amrit Publishers hebben een nieuw boek uitgebracht over de Hindostaanse geschiedenis van Radjinder Bhagwanbali. Dr. Drs R. Bhagwanbali introduceert in dit boek de term “tot koelie gemaakten” naar…

Sandew Hira

[:en] De getuigenis van president Desi Bouterse: On July 20th, 2015 publicist and columnist Sandew of the Surinamese news website Star News, wrote an open letter to the Surinamese President Bouterse who had won the elections on May 25th and had received an absolute majority in parliament. With the title The truth sets us free, he…

Sebieren Hassenmahomed

[:en] Levens van vreugde en verdriet: Sebieren Hassenmahomed interviewed many Hindustani women about their lives. The women talk openly about their youth, parents, upbringing, education, love, faith, sexuality, marriage, family life, relatives, expectations within the community for men and women, migration to and life in the Netherlands. Some stories are sad, others humorous: life stories and…

[:en]Stephen Small and Sandew Hira[:nl]Stephen Small en Sandew Hira[:]

[:en] 20 Questions and Answers about Dutch Slavery and its Legacy: Most people in the Netherlands think of slavery and the slave trade as something that happened a long time ago, did not affect many people, and have little relevance to Dutch society today. Nothing could be further from the truth. The truth is that politics, economics,…


[:en] Gezegend en vervloekt – Een geschiedenis van groter Afrika van de bakermat van de beschaving tot aan het derde millennium: There is little available in Dutch literature that highlights the achievements of people of African descent. In this book Djehuti-Ankh-Kheru covers the history of the ancient classical African civilizations, the emergence of transatlantic slavery…

Guillermo E. Rosario

[:en] Onsterfelijk: On August 17th, 1795 a group of chained slaves on plantation Kenepa let their boss know that they no longer wanted to work for him. There was a revolt led by Tula and Bastian Karpata, which lasted nearly a month. Tula and Bastian Karpata had the courage to take the first steps to…

Lili Irani

[:en] Een ster in de spiegel: Lili Irani grew up in Iran after the 1979 revolution and prefered racing on a skateboard than obediently sitting at home. The war between Iran and Iraq from 1981 to 1988 also has profound implications for her family. Maturing as a young woman with her own dreams also meant butterflies…

Boi Antoin en Cees Luckhardt

[:en] Bonaire, zout en koloniale geschiedenis: The island of Bonaire is now formally a Dutch municipality, but for centuries it was a Dutch colony. The history of the island has been closely connected with the history of the slave trade and for a very specific reason: salt. Almost every ship to Africa and/or the left Caribbean,…

Olga Orman en Giselle Ecury (ed.)

[:en] Topa Tula – Ontmoet Tula: The Simia Literario Foundation has set up a special project. She asked poets inspired by the story of Tula to construct a literary meeting between Tula and the current generation. For the Antillean community Tula, the leader of the revolt against slavery in 1795, is a figure who inspires young…