[:en]Radjinder Bhagwanbali visits Suriname to present the story of Tetary[:nl]Radjinder Bhagwanbali geeft lezing in Suriname over Tetary[:]

[:en]On March 10th Dr. Dr. Radjinder Bhagwanbali visited Suriname to present the story of Tetary and its significance for the Hindustani community today. The meeting was organized by the Cultural Union Suriname. Carlo Jadnanansing wrote a detailed review of the meeting for Star News: “In this respect, the presentation of Bhagwanbali was a revelation for…

[:en]Professor Stephen Small on ‘Palestine… It is Something Colonial'[:nl]Professor Stephen Small over ‘Palestine… It is Something Colonial'[:]

[:en]On March 9th, Professor Stephen Small of the Department of African American Studies at UC, Berkeley spoke at the book launch of Dr. Hatem Bazian Book launch: ‘Palestine… It is Something Colonial’. Below his introduction on the importance of this work for the decolonial framework. “I join you this evening to celebrate the publication of this…

Hatem Bazian

[:en]In 1902, Theodor Herzl, the founder of political Zionism, wrote to Cecil Rhodes, the Minister of Colonies for Great Britain: “You are being invited to help make history. It doesn’t involve Africa, but a piece of Asia Minor; not Englishmen but Jews … How, then, do I happen to turn to you since this is…

[:en]Committee Tetary Must Rise[:nl]Comité Tetary Moet Opstaan[:]

[:en]The research done by author Radjinder Bhagwanbali on Janey Tetary, the leader of the resistance at plantation Zorg and Hoop in Suriname in 1884, has led to a movement that demands social justice for descendants of the Indian contract labourers. Committee Tetary Moet Opstaan (Tetary Must Rise) has set up a campaign to remove the…

[:en]Book launch tour Hatem Bazian[:nl]Boekpresentatie tour Hatem Bazian[:]

[:en]Amrit Publishers is proud to present the new book by Hatem Bazian: “Palestine…it is something colonial.” In centering Palestine’s modern history around settler-colonial discourses, Hatem Bazian offers a theoretical basis for understanding Palestine while avoiding the pitfalls of the internationally supported “peace process” that, on the one hand, affirms settler-colonial rights and, on the other hand,…

[:en]In progress: Decolonizing The Mind – Imagining a New World Civilization[:nl]In ontwikkeling: Decolonizing The Mind – Imagining a New World Civilization[:]

[:en]Sandew Hira, director of the International Institute for Scientific Research in The Hague, is currently working on his new publication: Decolonizing The Mind (DTM) – Imagining a New World Civilization. A Fundamental Critique of Scientific Colonialism and Another Discourse of Liberation. This voluminous study aims to develop a theoretical framework for the concept of Decolonizing The Mind…