[:en] Alles voor de vrede – de brieven van Boston Band tussen 1757 en 1763: Who was Boston Band? In the oral tradition, he has been known and is highly valued as “progenitor”, resistance fighter, writing ex-slave and initiator of the peace. Boston arrived probably after the year 1749 in Suriname and died in 1766….
Categorie: Book series
Artwell Cain (red.)
[:en] Tula – de slavenopstand van 1795 op Curaçao: On August 17th, 1795 a slave revolt began on Curaçao led by Tula, which ended in the execution of more than one hundred enslaved people. The extremely cruel execution of the leaders of the rebellion is engraved in the memory of many Antilleans. August 17th marks…
Djehuti Ankh-Kheru
[:en] 20 vragen en antwoorden over Malcolm X: Malcolm X is an icon of the Black movement. His personal history as a young man who came from a drugs environment and became an intellectual with sharp analysis of racism is remarkable. He is an inspiration to black people all over the world. As a Muslim he speaks…